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Time For An Awakening is streaming every Sunday from 7 pm est – 9 pm est. Past guests include Dr.Molefi Asante, BaBa Ashra Kwesi, BaBa Runoko Rashidi, Dr.Leonard Jeffries, Michelle Alexander, Boyce Watkins, Wilmer Leon, Tom Burrel, Dr.Maulana Karenga, Ezra Aharone, Dr. Umar Johnson, State Of Black Farmers Series, Milton Alimadi, Dr. Tony Browder, Michelle Alexander, and many others. For more programming visit our platform @
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23 Replies to “Time For An Awakening”

  1. Great Show!! I was here supporting Brotha Baakir !!! Ase’ Ase’ !! I will definitely be back to listen to more shows!! Asante Sana!! FTL!!!!❤️

  2. Been listening for about a month and I wish I’ve been here long proud to hear my people speaking the truth…I’m a strong black woman and I’m so proud to hear my brothers and sisters speaking!!! My faith is restored..I believe in us as one.✊

  3. Elliott, Dr Burton simple replies to basic medical knowledge was very questionable. He should know the difference between a variant and a strain. This guy is doing pseudoscience medicine.

  4. Great program. We do need to acknowledge the fact that All religions came out of ANcient Kamet before the European was even in existence. They have only been on the planet about 5000 years and the Black man has been here over 160,000 plus years. The word Bible means “Book”. There are many books including the Book of Patah Hotep, the oldest book in the world. The Psalms and Proverbs can be found verbatim in these ancient books. Bottomline, the European has done a very poor misinterpretation of Afrikan Spirituality to enslave the minds of Black people. Read: African Origins of the Major Western Religions by Dr. Ben Jochannan, Christianity Before Christ by George Jackson. A great book that addresses the Black Church today is “Holy Lockdown – Does the Church Limit Black Progress by Jeremiah Camara. All of these writings by scholars will give us a different perspectives on the issues facing the Black community and The Black Church. Holy Lockdown addresses solutions for Black Liberation. Ashe

  5. My god…what a torrent of various philosophies of despair … much doom and gloom. If our African ancestors had your negative views after the Civil War we would have all perished on some dusty country road…

  6. Im listening to the show with Fred Hampton on July 30th 2017, I think change begins with education being at home. The public school system teach our sons to be servants and not owners. If we take back our children and recognize the order in the home and realize why we are in this situation then I believe that change will come to the black community. We must humble ourselves.

  7. This piece on Reverend Gaddy, It very sad and hard to listen to what happen to him in the 1950’s as a child in a boys so call school /prison. What we read and what we see in books and on television is hard to see the pain our people suffered. To hear this Rev Gaddy telling this story and the pain this man had to go through day after day for 8 years. Black people this a great awakening white people never cared and the racism will never get any better. I see and live it everyday on my job and in my life. What I go through is nothing like the hurt and pain Rev Gaddy had . GOD Bless Rev Gaddy, I feel the pain. Since I have been listening to TIme for Awakening and the COW I have had an Awakening.

  8. Greetings family, I love my black people. lets build our community like our ancestors, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey and MLK wanted. we need to stay in communication and build the much needed trusts amongst us, black african. Time For An Awakening is needed in the community. brother Reggie, we miss you, from the One Million T/Os. Keep on keeping on. Power to the people

  9. Thanks Mama Iva Carruthers for the elaboration on the spiritual injustice of religion in respectively to Christianity as well. Glad hearing if we believe that whatever we do God sees then there we be justice but we say it like that and does not act that way. How can we forgive people when they don’t see theirself guilty? Since they are not guilty they keep repeating slavery in divers ways. How would the violence be eliminated from our society and community?
    Thank you for the good works and please keep it up.
    Listening to you all the way from GHANA

    Love you Mama Iva

  10. Pingback: Vanessa Smith
  11. Pingback: Peter Smith
  12. This is my first time listening to your station. obviously the guests I’m listening to now don’t know the Bible. All I know is that they will find out. I received information about the station from my friend and former co-worker Officer Cariol Horne. I thought she was going to be on this morning but her email said yesterday. oh, perhaps this is the taping.

  13. Pingback: Gregory Smith
  14. Hotep Brother Reggie !!!, I found you guys so I’ll listening for now on , also I heard Eliot Booker yesterday on sister Phile show talking about Gentrification!!!, I have a lot of info, about it.

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