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The 13th Amendment of the US Constitution did not end slavery when it carved out the exception clause that led directly to Jim Crow laws across the country to target  African-American and other non-white populations. Repeal & Replace The 13th Amendment!

New Abolitionists Radio is an award-winning podcast that started in 2012 to bring awareness to legalized slavery and human trafficking in the United States preserved by the 13th Amendment of the US Constitution. This issue is often inadequately referred to as “mass incarceration”. Legalized slavery through prisons, jails and detention facilities and the mistreatment of those incarcerated in them constitute severe Human Rights violations per The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, especially its prohibition on all forms of slavery.

“No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.”

This continuation of a form of slavery is in violation of the prohibition of all forms of slavery as stated in the 1948 UN resolution 217 at the Palais de Chaillot in Paris, France. New Abolitionists Radio is an award-winning weekly radio broadcast and podcast that started in 2012 to bring awareness to legalized slavery and human trafficking in the United States preserved by the 13th Amendment of the US Constitution.

New Abolitionists Radio
New Abolitionists Radio
Black Talk Media Project

New Abolitionists Radio is an award-winning podcast that started in 2012 to bring awareness to legalized slavery and human trafficking in the United States preserved by the 13th Amendment of the US Constitution. This issue is often inadequately referred to as “mass incarceration”. Legalized slavery through prisons, jails and detention facilities and the mistreatment of those incarcerated in them constitute severe Human Rights violations per The Universal Declaration of Human Rights on a mass scale.

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9 Replies to “New Abolitionists Radio”

  1. I recall great Dr. John Henry Clark calling for a million men to put up 1 dollar. I’d like to a see the Abolitionist movement run a ‘Prestige campaign’ calling for a million men to put up a hundred dollars, to fund lobbying and all other efforts to drag ourselves out of slavery, prison first, that it all might not actually come to “by any means necessary. Peace, solidarity and vigilance to all.

  2. 8/5/2016. Thanks again, for a information pack show. Their is no
    way one can listen to these shows and not be SHOCKED!!!
    Slavery is alive and very profitable on the Prison Plantation.

    Just listen to the program for validation.

    Maine is Ferguson. WOW!!!!!

    Each week these brothers update you about each state in the
    US concerning the Prison/Slave Industrial Complex.

    The statistics will alarm you……

    Tune in weekly.

  3. “Black, or Blackness, tells you how you look without telling you who you are, whereas Africa, or Africana, relates you to land, history, and culture “ Dr. John Henrick. Clarke.

    “Every ethnic group in this country has a reference to some land base, some historical cultural base. African-Americans have hit that level of cultural maturity… To be called African-American has cultural integrity “ Rev. Jesse Jackson

  4. Is the “nynewabolitionist” website an attempt by our enemies to deceive us? We have been easily deceived by then till now. I personally do not trust that website. However, your show is the blueprint for “Our Talk Radio” I will spread the word about your courage, dedication, & love for Justice. Especially your Love for Our helpless people. We pray GD’S Protection & Blessings for u & your families.

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