Did the US Navy knowingly expose sailors to radiation?

February 28, 2014 Nearly three years ago reactors at Fukushima in Japan melted down sending radioactivity into the air and water. Sailors on board the…

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Republican U.S. Senator impedes progress on military rape prosecutions

February 27, 2014  Is Sen. Lindsey Graham blowing smoke to protect rapist in the military? Is the former Air Force judge advocate allowing military tradition…

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New media is blowing the lid off U.S. Government’s covert activities

February 26, 2014 A New Media outlet called “The Intercept” funded by the founder of Ebay, is making waves reporting on the secrets of the…

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Tanya Free: A Day of Outrage and Remembrance” We Remember Trayvon Martin

February 26, 2014 This week’s topics include: “A Day of Outrage and Remembrance” We Remember Trayvon Martin 26 states now have “STAND YOUR GROUND LAWS”…

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