Bernie Sanders Pulls Ahead Nationally With Black Voters, SC Elected Official Explains Why


BTR News – In an interview with a former Joe Biden supporter who switched her support to Senator Bernie Sanders, CNN cites a Quinnipiac University poll which shows Sanders coming in 3rd behind Joe Biden and Micheal Bloomberg in national support among Black voters. Richland County Councilwoman Dalhi Myers out of South Carolina says she identifies as a Pro-Life, Fiscally Conservative Moderate Democrat and not a socialist but says that Sander’s bold programs for people who need the most help convinced her to support the Senator’s second bid for President and she believes more Black voters will start to support him.

A recent SurveyUSA election poll of 3,200 adults nationwide surveyed from February 13 to 17, Sanders pulled ahead of Joe Biden nationally with 31% support among Black voters. Bloomberg, a multibillionaire who has spent almost a half of billion dollars on media ads, is for the moment polling well among Black voters who are affluent and have more wealth than the average Black person in the United States. Bloomberg’s black support many say has been secured with dodgy donations and is just now getting national scrutiny of his racist statements and policies while serving as the Mayor of New York.

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