Video: Sybrina Fulton says “We have to continue this fight” against systemic racist violence
LOS ANGELES, Calif. (CNN) – Four mothers, including one from Cleveland, whose children were shot and killed participated in a forum Saturday in Los Angeles.
The mothers of Tamer Rice, Trayvon Martin, mike Brown and Eric Garner were in attendance at the Black Mothers Standing in the Gap forum.
California congresswoman Maxine Waters moderated the event.
Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin, encouraged people to continue fighting.
“A lot of times we get involved, we get angry about these stories we hear on the news. We protest and have rallies and it goes away until the next tragedy happens. What I want to encourage you all to do is to stay involved. Don’t just get involved when it’s a story. Don’t just get involved when we lose a life. We have to continue this fight because our children’s lives are important,” Fulton said.
The deaths of these four sons sparked protests, rallies and violence throughout the country.