Time for an Awakening”, Sunday 3/23/2025 at NEW TIME 6:00 PM (EST) guests; Activist, BFAA Pres, Thomas Burrell & Founding Executive Director of the Center for Global Africa (CGA), Prof. Ezrah Aharone

“Time for an Awakening” with Bro.Elliott & Bro. Richard, Sunday 3/23/2025 at NEW TIME 6:00 PM (EST) guests was Activist, Organizer, President, Black Farmers and Agriculturalists Association-Memphis, Thomas Burrell. Mr. Burrell updated the listeners on the oral arguments presented before the Sixth Circuit Court in Cincinnati on January 30, 2025, on behalf of Black Farmers, who were denied the opportunity to file claims for deceased relatives in the $2.2 billion dollar payout. Also, information on important strategies in areas of free trade, that will help our Farmers and Black America move forward in a new Geo-political age for us. In the second segment, our guest will be Author, Scholar of Sovereign Studies, and founding executive director of the Center for Global Africa (CGA) Prof. Ezrah Aharone. Prof. Aharone, back from the 38th African Union Summit to focus on reparatory justice under the theme: “Justice for Africans and People of African Descent through Reparations”,  informed us on what this should mean to us moving forward in our development process of sovereign thinking, and what we can do as members of the sixth region for generations to come. Always Information, insights and dialogue from a Black Perspective.

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