Our Story: Dr. King’s Real Legacy

Baba Wes “W.C.” Johnson, has worked the streets of New Orleans since the early 1980s, Organizing several organizations to fight police murder and brutality throughout the Black Communities of New Orleans. Baba Wes became a fixture in the landscape of Social Justice. Baba Wes founded and continues to chair the Community United for Change (CUC). In the early 1990s, Baba Wes developed Our Story Radio Program to ensure a fair and balanced airing of the Black Issues facing New Orleans. In early 2000, Baba Wes created the OurStory Network to program a weekly, live Public Access Television enhancement for New Orleans. Baba Wes has traveled throughout Louisiana, Mississippi, and the northern and East Coast states sharing the lessons of Blackness to Black People who may not have heard of who and what Blackness is.

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