“Time for an Awakening”, Sunday 5/05/2024 at 7:00 PM (EST) guests; Richard Brookshire, CEO & Co-Founder of the Black Veterans Project, and Raillan Brooks, Law intern at the Veterans Legal Clinic, Yale Law School, Black Veterans Activist, executive director of NVCLR, Gary Monk

Time for an Awakening” with Bro.Elliott & Bro.Richard, Sunday 5/05/2024 at 7:00 PM (EST) guests was Richard Brookshire, CEO & Co-Founder of the Black Veterans Project, and Raillan Brooks, Law intern at the Veterans Legal Clinic, Yale Law School, Black Veterans Activist, executive director of NVCLR, Gary Monk. Our guests shared information on the Historic Black Veterans Reparations Lawsuit. The case involves racial discrimination against Black veterans in housing, education, and disability benefits since the inception of the GI Bill following World War II.






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One Reply to ““Time for an Awakening”, Sunday 5/05/2024 at 7:00 PM (EST) guests; Richard Brookshire, CEO & Co-Founder of the Black Veterans Project, and Raillan Brooks, Law intern at the Veterans Legal Clinic, Yale Law School, Black Veterans Activist, executive director of NVCLR, Gary Monk”

  1. This is dope. I literally just watched Green Beret Chronicles on YouTube where this SF brother interviewed other SF brothers who were trying to get it out there that our people are also SFs because all you see for the most part are white dudes. They actually have a documentary coming out or came out concerning black folks in SF. I support all of these organizations as a veteran myself.

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