“Time for an Awakening”, Sunday 9/10/2023 at 7:00 PM (EST) guests; Activist, Organizer, Florida Rev. Kenneth A. Johnson

“Time for an Awakening” with Bro.Elliott, Sunday 9/10/2023 at 7:00 PM (EST) our guests was Activist, Organizer, Florida Rev. Kenneth A. Johnson. Rev. Kenneth A. Johnson of the Friendship Baptist Church in Fort Peirce Florida, is a part of a coalition of over 200 Black Churches and congregations in Florida, that have chosen to teach Black history in their places of worship. They have stated that government approval in the Church is unnecessary for sharing our history accurately. In 2023, from the need to develop a new mindset in our communities, to our political and economic empowerment, the solution to these problems must come from us. They are implementing some solutions.

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