Vision for a Libertarian North Carolina: BTR News w/ Scotty T Reid Interviews Gubernatorial Candidate Mike Ross

Welcome to BTR News w/ Scotty T Reid, I am joined on this broadcast by Mike Ross, and Mr. Ross is the Libertarian candidate aiming to reshape North Carolina’s political future. We hope to hear about his financial background, his passion for individual liberty, and his robust stands on transparent government, free-market education, police reforms, and much more.

As Ross seeks to ensure that every North Carolinian enjoys personal freedoms with minimal government interference, let’s discover his blueprint for change and the challenges he may face in a political system dominated by one party or the other in the uni-party system he says exists.

If you have a question or comment, leave it in the BTR News voicemail bag and if appropriate, we will air it during the show. Call 1 (704) 218-9194‬ to leave a voicemail for Mike Ross for tonight’s show at any point during the live broadcast.

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One Reply to “Vision for a Libertarian North Carolina: BTR News w/ Scotty T Reid Interviews Gubernatorial Candidate Mike Ross”

  1. I am very happy your family is outside the zoning nonsense that allows you all to set up small homes and take care of each other. Great show!

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