Abolition Today – 2021 Season Finale

After 41 episodes of Abolition Today and 28 Episodes of LIVE From The Plantation, Season 2 now comes to an end. We spent the year kicking slavery’s ass and taking names. Costing the industry billions and directly participating in organizing 3/4 of the US to change their state constitutions and end slavery for the 1st time.

We’ve honored our ancestors, uplifted those in bondage, educated the youth, and made so much national impact that the White House might sue us for whiplash. We’re not even close to being done yet.

We want to hear from you during the season finale of such an epic year. If our efforts this in 2021 have inspired, enlightened, or changed you, call us and let us know!

My Uncle Joey is in critical condition right now and the doctors say he won’t last long enough to hear this episode. He has been there with Tribal and I through the last 40 years. I asked him what advice he would leave me before his next journey. He said “finish what you started.”

This may be the years finale, but it’s the beginning of the end for constitutional slavery. In 2022 as many as 9 states will have “ending slavery” on the ballot with a joint federal resolution to introduce the 28th amendment. We’ll be there right in the middle of it all.

Join us Sunday, Halloween night and let’s talk about how we scared the monsters.

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