Talking Faith – Faithful Doubt

Talking Faith is about teaching listeners how to use their faith in their daily walk, in their conversations so that they will learn to see their faith work for them not against them. Our podcast is a tool to teach Christians to decipher between false teachers and the Godly teachers of God’s Word.

The podcast is hosted by Dr. Ellis O Henderson who is a Christian, Pastor, Father, Son, and servant leader of the remnant with a desire to serve God and bring forth heaven on earth. Utilizing his unique teaching gift, Dr. Henderson shines a light on darkness for the sake of clarity. He has been fortunate to endure and overcome insurmountable odds to proclaim his Christian faith. He has endured childhood trauma, addictions, abuse, and divorce.

In this podcast, Dr. Henderson talks with Christians about how they learned to develop faith. What was the outcome of their faith journey? If you feel weak in your faith or have doubts about your faith effort, tune in and be encouraged to trust God and join a dialogue about the Christian faith.

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