Abolition Today – Dear USA “Because F**k Slavery, That’s why” – Signed FLORIDA Legislators

Abolition Today – On October 20th, 2021, State Representative Dianne Hart, T.O.P.S. The Ordinary People’s Society Southeastern Region Friends and Pas Kenny Sharpton Glasgow held a press conference in Florida’s capitol announcing the introduction of joint resolutions to amend the state constitution and introduce anti-slavery legislation.

They will be joining the Abolish Slavery National Network as the 9th state to introduce such legislation since 2020. To date, 4 states have abolished constitutional slavery without exception and 21 additional states are organizing to get similar legislation introduced.
Finally, a joint resolution to introduce a new federal amendment to counter the pro-slavery language of the 13th amendment is gaining bipartisan support in the house and senate.

We’ll discuss that and much more. And of course, we’ll include amazing music and poetry, then culminate the program by bringing the ancestor’s words back to life for a new generation of slavery abolitionists.

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