Abolition Today – A conversation with Her Majesty The Queen Mother of Benin West Africa

Max and Yusuf are joined by The Queen Mother of Benin, West Africa to discuss international prison systems and the modern slavery abolition movement from an African-centered global perspective.

Her Majesty The Kpodjito Dòwòti Désir Hounon Houna II Guely, is the Queen Mother of the Royal Palace. She is a Manbo Asogwe (High Priest) in Haitian Vodou and a Chief of the Zangbeto, and Egungun secret societies.

The Founder of The AfroAtlantic Theologies & Treaties Institute travels extensively to promote human rights for African descendants globally.

She is an author, and curator whose work focuses on issues of cultural and spatial production, particularly as it concerns the sacred and contemporary art forms produced by people of African descent. The Queen Mother focuses on product development, sustainable energy production, and rebuilding the primary school associated with the Royal Palace.

Her Majesty is also a committee member for the UN and a partner and consultant with the Abolish Slavery National Network.

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