JUSTICE RADIO STATION – Mental Liberation Awareness- Meta Physics-BEING!

Friday, Sept. 17th 10 p.m.Est.,9 p.m.CT, 8 p.mMT, 7 p.m.PT.   Call in (712) 770-4160 Code 918135# *61 Finishing the basic initial unfinished business among all of us. ARE YOU UP FOR THIS? justice@justiceradiostation.com   How long has the conversation been  about  Freedom, Justice, Liberty, Democracy, Liberation, Solidarity, Unity, Self Determination? Let us become familiar with use of Constructive Code for thought, speech, action and the term META PHYSICS, A branch of Philosophy that studies the first Principles of Being, Identity and Change, Space and Time, Causality, Necessity and Possibility. It includes questions about the Nature of Consciousness and relationship between mind and matter.  Study of Things and Phenomena that are beyond the physical realm.

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