Abolition Today – Attica #ShutemDown2021 & 9/11/2001

We discuss organized prison rebellions past and present. Starting with #ShutemDown2021.
This week we’ll acknowledge many historical events whose anniversaries occurred either within the past week or will come up this week such as the Attica Uprising September 9-12, 1971, which came on the heels of the August 21, 1971 murder of George Jackson, the murder of 6 young black children in Birmingham, Alabama (4 at the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church and 2 others later that day).

And of course, yesterday marked the anniversary of 9/11. We’ll also be joined by Chinweizu Abu, the Moderator for the Millions for Prisoners Human Rights Coalition to update us on the events and results of the #shutemdown2021 movement.

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