BTR News – Banks Continue Racist Redlining Practices Despite Pledges w/ Wanda Silva

Are Banks Doing Enough To Stop Systemic Racism In The Financial Industry?

Interview with Wanda Silva, Vice President, Mair Strategies previously worked for the state of New Jersey, served as Press Secretary at the Bronx Borough President’s Office under Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr., and was a  journalist with Univision and Telemundo.

Silva will be joining BTR News as a guest speaker to shed light on the issue of redlining and other banking industry practices that she says has left “Blacks, Latinos, and immigrants without the financial tools necessary to progress financially, systematic racism in the banking industry”.

In the wake of the murder of George Floyd by convicted killer and former cop Derek Chauvin, which caused a new wave of mass protests against police brutality, many corporations including banks announced a slew of “woke” polices to play their part in the elimination of systemic racism. Are banks doing enough? Not according to Wanda Silva.

Article: The 2007–2008 Financial Crisis in Review

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