GCCT – School Mask Mandate, 9/11 Anniversary Ceremony & “Race-Baiting”

In this episode of the GCCT podcast, Scotty provides commentary on several stories that include an NC teacher refusing to wear a mask in school cause it’s her “constitutional right” not to do so. The town of Dallas, North Carolina, a neo-confederate town is going to hold a hypocritical 9/11 commemorative ceremony on the 20th anniversary of that fateful day. Lastly, Gaston Gazzette is being accused of “race-baiting” related to an article published it published about racial healthcare inequities in the United States.
Copyright-free Instrumentals: Crock Pot by Diamond Ortiz, Does It Float? by Otis McDonald
News sources:
NC Teacher Refuses To Wear Mask
Dallas, NC To Hold Special 9/11 Ceremony on 9/11
Gaston Gazette was accused of race-baiting for publishing an article on racial inequities in healthcare
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