Abolition Today – Ten Million Violations of the 15th Amendment

A week before the August 28th March On for Voting Rights rallies we dig deep into voter disenfranchisement. How, why, and who. Welcome to America. Where you have to pay taxes but can’t vote. Where a single criminal conviction can turn you into a non-person with no rights or protections.

We are also only a week away from the anniversary of the Abolish Slavery National Network. In a single year, we’ve made epic accomplishments never seen before in US history. Successfully changing 3 state constitutions to remove slavery exception clauses. Organizing over 30 other states to do the same within the next 4 years and introducing a joint federal amendment to counter the slavery exception clause of the 13th amendment. For the 1st time since reconstruction, slavers have to defend slavery for everyone to see and hear. Which they have done in Tennessee and Louisiana. Where state senators publicly presented their defense for keeping slavery legal.

ASNN core leadership members will be speaking during the massive national marches in DC, California, and Texas. Dennis Febo in Washington, DC. Savannah Eldridge in Texas, and along with Jamilia Land, Abolition Today’s hosts Max Parthas and Yusuf Hassan will speak in Sacramento, CA.

“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”

We count Ten Million Violations of the 15th Amendment against ten million living US citizens due to conditions of involuntary servitude. When is enough? This episode of Abolition Today begins that critical conversation.

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