The C.O.W.S. Neutralizing Workplace Racism 02/26/21

Friday, February 26th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

The Context of White Supremacy hosts the weekly forum on Neutralizing Workplace Racism. We’ll continue to adapt to how the coronavirus is disrupting the work environment. Journalist and Victim of White Supremacy Cerise Castle’s allegations of Workplace Racism attracted intense attention over the week. She formerly worked at KCRW in Southern California, and while being interviewed, Castle recalled coworkers describing her as “militaristic” and having her ideas pilfered and used by others without receiving credit. Although she was addressing her difficulties in the field of journalism, most of the tackiness she describes is rife in all areas of labor. We’ll continue to examine the best practices for maintaining safety in the workplace. Whether you’re willing to take the vaccine or no, take the Covid-19 seriously. Be mindful of the safety protocols in  your workplace, and do not hesitate to snitch to preserve your safety.


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CALL IN NUMBER: 720.716.7300 CODE 564943#

The C.O.W.S. Radio Program is specifically engineered for black & non-white listeners – Victims of White Supremacy. The purpose of this program is to provide Victims of White Supremacy with constructive information and suggestions on how to counter Racist Woman & Racist Man.

Phone: 1-605-313-5164 – Access Code 564943# Hit star *6 & 1 to enter caller cue

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