“Time for an Awakening” for Sunday 2/21/2021 at 7:00PM guest was Activist, Playwright, and U.S. Correspondent to the Herald (Zimbabwe’s National Newspaper) Obi Egbuna Jr.

“Time for an Awakening” for Sunday 2/21/2021 at 7:00PM (EST) ) guest was Activist, Journalist, Playwright, and U.S. Correspondent to the Herald (Zimbabwe’s National Newspaper) Obi Egbuna Jr. In the backdrop of this date in 1965 and the assasination of Malcolm X, the “Anatomy of a Grasssroots Organizer” will be the main topic of conversation with our guest. Bro. Obi Egbuna. Our guest also highlighted the 2nd Historic Africa And The World Cultural and Artistic Tribute 2/27 and 2/28.

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