BTR News: More Gaston County Residents Speak Out Against Pay To Protest Ordinance

Gastonia, NC – It seems that a small rural county in North Carolina is gaining opposition to a proposed ordinance to require hundreds of dollars and fees and the personal information of any organizer in the county that calls for a protest. Gaston County Sheriff Alan Cloninger worked with the Gaston County attorney Jonathan Sink to draft the ordinance and slip it in minutes before a scheduled county commissioner’s meeting. Protest were called at the last minute by the founder of the Gaston County Freedom Fighters to assemble at the courthouse to oppose the proposed “Pay To Protest” ordinance.

Commissioner’s voted 5-1 on the ordinance with only Commision Chair Tom Keigher voting against it which killed it for now because Commissioner Tracy Philbeck was not present. The ordinance can be placed on the agenda for the next meeting and another vote taken but its likely citizens of Gaston County will have plenty to say in opposition.


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