BTR News: The Tennessee RV Bombing, Domestic Terrorists & Neglected Black Doctor Dies

BTR News On The Black Talk Radio Network! Today’s Date is December 26, 2020, and we invite you to tune in for the next two hours for news, information, your calls, and more…

Today’s Top Topics:

Nashville RV Bombing – FAA shuts down air space over Nashville after bombing and military warns the U.S. government will use ‘deadly force’ against any aircraft that enters as FBI hunts attacker.

Video Surveillance video shows moments leading up to the explosion in downtown Nashville. Source:

What Groups Could Possibly Be Behind The Nashville Tennessee RV Bombing?

“Hate Groups Down Nationally, Up in Tennessee, Memphis: Report”. 

Black Terrorism Expert Weighs In

Could the national movement against neo-confederates and their monuments be a motive?

“Confederate monuments represent a racist, terrorizing narrative. They all should come down | OpinionConfederate monuments only serve to tell a story of hatred and racism. It’s time we take them down. Jonathan Farley, Guest Columnist Tennessean”.

CORONA Pandemic Coverage

Dr. Susan Moore (Black Woman) Last Words Before Dying From COVID and Neglect. A Black doctor speaks on what can only be described as medical apartheid where victims of racism are mistreated in the medical field making Black doctors who don’t practice racism a valuable resource. Youtube channel under the name of Dr. Linda Burke, who appears to be a Black doctor posted Dr. Moores’s video which portions of was on MSM cable channels today.

Nearly since the start of the pandemic, the Nation of Islam has sought to confuse the masses with depopulation conspiracy theories, stoking fear of vaccines and oft-repeated nonspecific rumors during a deadly viral outbreak that is killing Black men, women and children at alarming rates. Here is one such conspiratorial article published in The Final Call.

The Covid-19 Vaccine and the U.S. policy of depopulation

Earlier I came across a video on TikTok that I can not find any longer, with Mr. Fharrakhan suggesting Black people should quit their jobs if forced to take the vaccine with no plan to give jobs to those who take his advice, it is like he is telling them to hope that Allah or God creates jobs for them.

Tune in and discuss these topics with your BTR News host Scotty Reid.

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