By Scotty t. Reid – Attorney Benjamin Crump posted a video today on social media updating the public on the case of the 8 yr old child with disabilities in Key West, Florida who was charged with a felony assault charge since dropped, will have Team Crump fighting for the young boy’s constitutional rights as a citizen of the United States after filing a lawsuit on the family’s behalf.
Crump wrote…
I’m proud to fight for justice on behalf of the little 8yo boy with disabilities in Key West who was ARRESTED and CHARGED with felony battery due to a TEMPER TANTRUM at school. School administrators and police should know better!! Regardless of race, age or ability, we all have RIGHTS as Americans and it is DISGUSTING that anyone would try to justify what those cops did to that poor boy.
On August 9th, Crump tweeted out 2018 footage from the body camera of the neo-slave catcher who arrested the child instead of sending the child to the office to await a parent to work with the school and the teacher to find a resolution instead of feeding yet another child into the school to prison pipeline as the practice is known among prison slavery abolitionists.
When the video of the child’s arrest was published, Crump said, “This is a heartbreaking example of how our educational and policing systems train children to be criminals by treating them like criminals,” Crump said in a statement. “If convicted, the child, in this case, would have been a convicted felon at eight years old. This little boy was failed by everyone who played a part in this horrific incident.”