The C.O.W.S. Compensatory Call-In 06/27/20

Saturday, June 27th 6:00PM Eastern/ 6:00PM Pacific

Compensatory Call InThe Context of White Supremacy hosts the weekly Compensatory Call-In. We encourage non-white listeners to dial in with their codified concepts, new terms, observations, research findings, workplace problems or triumphs, and/or suggestions on how best to Replace White Supremacy With Justice ASAP. We’ll use these sessions to hone our use of words as tools to reveal truth, neutralize White people. We’ll examine news reports from the past seven days and – hopefully – promote a constructive dialog. 


Summer of 2020 kicked off, and the rona continues to kick us around. The U.S. set a record for the number of Covid-19 cases this week. Florida, Arizona, Michigan, South Carolina and a number of other states report substantial increases in the number of coronavirus cases. Masks are now required throughout the state of Washington, and New York state implemented a 14-day quarantine on visitors arriving from states with surging virus cases. In the midst of ongoing uncertainty and confusion about the virus, protests against the System of White Supremacy and police terrorism against black people continues. Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan said it’s time for the protesters to vacate the streets and return home, in Wisconsin, a White lawmaker, state Senator Tim Carpenter, was allegedly attacked while mobs of protesters – many of them appeared to be White – focused their rage on a statue. Citizens in Rhode Island are considering changing it’s name to divest from the roots to slavery. Surprisingly, congress failed to pass legislation to curb police terrorism against black people. And in Wilmington, Delaware, location of the 1898 terrorist attack, 3 White police officers were fired after a recording surfaced where one told others that he planned to buy assault rifles: “We are just going to go out and start slaughtering them f—ing n—-rs.”



Invest in The C.O.W.S. –$TheCOWS

CALL IN NUMBER: 605.313.5164 CODE 564943#

The C.O.W.S. Radio Program is specifically engineered for black & non-white listeners – Victims of White Supremacy. The purpose of this program is to provide Victims of White Supremacy with constructive information and suggestions on how to counter Racist Woman & Racist Man.

Phone: 1-605-313-5164 – Access Code 564943# Hit star *6 & 1 to enter caller cue

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One Reply to “The C.O.W.S. Compensatory Call-In 06/27/20”

  1. good evening Gus….did you download last Saturday”s compensatory show…..have not been able to hear it.

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