BTR News: Racist Wilmington Police Caught Being Racists & Defunding Slave Patrols

A conversation with Afro-Carolinian William Barnette about police violence, corporations, and their superficial changes to update their “values” and de-funding the police.

Fired Wilmington police officers previously terminated, demoted

FBI warned of white supremacists in law enforcement 10 years ago. Has anything changed?

Seven Facts About the NYPD Budget

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2 Replies to “BTR News: Racist Wilmington Police Caught Being Racists & Defunding Slave Patrols”

  1. can you tell me as a white man how much bull shit do i have to take as every time a black man is caught in breaking a crime so we let them all go free. were is our law today so when a black hits a white why is it never viewed on the news only black if you do the crime pay the tine and quite crying about it.

    1. White people commit more crimes than anyone according to FBI statistics but this story has nothing to do with crime, except the crime against humanity known as racism being committed by cops against their police chief. So tell me, how much BS are Black people supposed to take off racist degenerates. Stop your whining about nothing.

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