Conversation Reparations

Conversation Reparations: El Hajj Malik El- Shabazz Omowale aka Malcolm X on Reparations

In this episode of Conversation Reparations, host Jumoke Ifetayo speaks with Dr. Akinyele Umoja and Dr. Errol Henderson about Malcolm X’s views on reparations.

Dr. Akinyele Umoja is an American educator and author who specializes in African-American studies. As an activist, he is a founding member of the New Afrikan People’s Organization and the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement.

Dr. Errol Henderson conducts research on international relations theory, analysis of war and peace, culture and world politics, African politics as well as African-American political ideology. His work has been published in various journals such as British Journal of Political Science, International Interactions, International Politics, and Journal of Conflict Resolution.

Conversation Reparations is an hour-long digital radio broadcast and audio podcast focusing on the issue of Reparations. It is produced by NCOBRA with audio engineering and podcasting support provided by the non-profit media organization Black Talk Media Project. Conversation Reparations broadcasts live digitally on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 9 pm est on the Black Talk Radio Network.

N’COBRA, The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America is an organization based out of Washington, DC, that seeks full repair for the descendants of former victims of slavery in the United States based on the United Nations’s five forms of Reparations.

Visit N’COBRA online. On Twitter @NCOBRA40 

Conversation Reparations - BLACK TALK RADIO NETWORK™
Conversation Reparations - BLACK TALK RADIO NETWORK™

Conversation Reparations is an hour-long digital radio broadcast and podcast focusing on the issue of Reparations. It is hosted by Jumoke Ifetayo and Bonita Lacy of N'COBRA. The program is broadcast live on the 1st and 3rd Mondays on the Black Talk Radio Network.

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