New Abolitionists Radio: Wrongfully Convicted And Incarcerated During A Global COVID 19 Pandemic

In this episode of New Abolitionists Radio, Tag leads us in an interview with Sirajuddin Qadir and his mother Sis Basir to give us an update and some of the details of his wrongful conviction on an attempted murder charge in a bench trial where the guilty verdict was in direct contradiction to the evidence and testimony given by various law enforcement officers including video evidence from a body camera worn by one of the arresting officers. Sirajuddin Qadir also gave a troubling but not uncommon report about Pendleton Correctional Facility in Indiana in relation to the prison’s response to the COVID 19 pandemic. This is followed up with information from Bailey of the New York City chapter of Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee which has been organizing actions on behalf of prisoners seeking relief for them during this pandemic in New York.


Sirajuddin Fundraiser:
More Info on Sirajuddin’s Case:

fb: ig:

Free Them All 4 Public Health:

Week of Action into Palestinian Prisoners’ Day: 

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