V2V: Murder, Mayhem & Weather, When Heat Kills!

Victims 2 Victorious or V2V is a weekly digital radio broadcast and podcast that raises awareness about the public health issue of community gun violence. The host and special guests will look at a few news stories over the past week related to incidents of gun violence in the African-American community specifically and the United States in general.

The goal is to promote a conversation with those who are actively working on the issue of gun violence and/or interested in obtaining data-driven information drawn from Public Health Models.

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One Reply to “V2V: Murder, Mayhem & Weather, When Heat Kills!”

  1. It’s it is summer time and the living isn’t easy
    If you live in Chicago, the Corona Pandemic and the Gun Violence Epidemic make the living deadly. Connect with me about solving gun violence. I am a trained Epidemiologist, LinkedIn: Lisa Rose-Rodriguez.

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