New Abolitionists Radio: Covid 19 & Prisons Constitutes Cruel Punishment In the USA

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The system of prisons both federal and state have always constituted cruel and inhumane punishment no matter the alleged crime but with a global Covid 19 pandemic blowing up across the United States, not enough prisoners are being released and no one is being pardoned or charges dropped even as courthouses across the country close. Obviously you can not practice social distancing inside of prisons and as we know, prisons are not the most sanitary facilities and in some cases, they don’t have soap provided that is provided to prisoners free of charge.

Tonight we are joined on the broadcast by “Sheila” who is a community organizer in the New York area whose son is caged at the municipal jail widely known as “The Tombs” (metropolitan detention complex) in Manhattan. While MDC Manhattan officials have been virtually silent on the issue, reports from the inside say that captives and overseers being infected with COVID-19 have rapidly increased in recent days. Positive confirmations stand at 38 throughout the incarcerated population inside NYC, but given the close quarters and unsanitary conditions in facilities like The Tombs, many are concerned that this number is bound to grow. Loved ones & concerned individuals are engaged in ongoing phone zaps to demand their release before the outbreak spreads even further.

Update Concerning The Tombs

From NYC chapter of the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee.



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