New Abolitionists Radio: Elderly Prisoners Most Vulnerable To Covid 19 (Coronavirus)


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Federal and most state prisons are banning visits to protect inmates from coronavirus 

The country’s 122 federal prisons and many of the 1,700-plus state prisons have banned visitors and volunteers, hoping to prevent potentially disastrous coronavirus outbreaks among prisoners and staff in close quarters where disease can easily spread. read more

Pritzker should release elderly, ailing prisoners from state jails amid coronavirus outbreak, activists say

“We’ve all been told to socially distance ourselves to prevent the spread of the virus. Well, there’s no such thing as social distancing in prison,” said Alan Mills, executive director of the Uptown
People’s Law Center and one of around 1,600 co-signers of the letter sent to Pritzker. read more…

Guest Panelist

Special Guests tonight include Tia “Mz Konnoisseur” Hamilton, publisher of State Vs. US magazine. State Vs. Us was Nominated for 2018 & 2019 Titan Arts Award for Magazine Of The Year and 2019 Publisher Of The Year in Middle River, MD. The online & print publication spotlights high profile cases, corruption in prisons, police depts, government, wrongful convictions, true stories of men & women in prison, and success stories of formerly incarcerated individuals.

Joining us also will be Jay Rene founder of an organization with Dana Dane called Hip Hop Humanisms which began in April of 2017. They showcase independent and unsigned artists that have a positive message that is trying to help the people in their community, instead of hurt them with the glorification of drugs, alcohol, and sex. In 2019 they began to have the opportunity to be on the radio through Here we extend our promotion of unsigned positive Hip Hop Artist. We also talk about Urban issues, achievements and ways to make us better as people.

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2 Replies to “New Abolitionists Radio: Elderly Prisoners Most Vulnerable To Covid 19 (Coronavirus)”

  1. I think doing a podcast on those businesses that support the private prison industry would do wonders for folks like me. A lot of us used to think it was just certain banks. But this thing goes way beyond the financial institutions.

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