Trump Worshipped As God In India With Shrine

BTR News – An Indian man is hoping to meet his idol, Donald Trump, when the 45th President of the USA visits India this month. Bussa Krishna has stopped worshipping all traditional “gods” in India and now only has one god, Donald J. Trump who he says visited him in a dream. Krishna hired several men to help him build a shrine to Trump which features a 6 ft tall statue of the President.

“He is like a god to me, that is the reason I had his statue built,” he told New Delhi TV of his shrine showing Trump in a red tie and blue suit with his right arm raised in a wave.

“Every Friday I fast for Trump’s long life. I also carry his picture and pray to him before commencing any work,” he told the station.

Krishna has no family and lives alone and villagers have taken to calling him, Trump Krishna. Former US President Barack Obama has his fans too who seem to worship him as some sort of diety but we’ve yet to hear of anyone taking their idolatry to this level.

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