New Abolitionists Radio: Ending Prison Slavery in 2021 Plus Reparations For Marijuana Related Arrests

New Abolitionists Radio is an award-winning podcast that started in 2012 to bring awareness to legalized slavery and human trafficking in the United States preserved by the 13th Amendment of the US Constitution. This issue is often inadequately referred to as “mass incarceration”. Legalized slavery through prisons, jails and detention facilities and the mistreatment of those incarcerated in them constitute severe Human Rights violations per The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, especially its prohibition on all forms of slavery.

“No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.”

This continuation of a form of slavery is in violation of the prohibition of all forms of slavery as stated in the 1948 UN resolution 217 at the Palais de Chaillot in Paris, France. New Abolitionists Radio is an award-winning weekly radio broadcast and podcast that started in 2012 to bring awareness to legalized slavery and human trafficking in the United States preserved by the 13th Amendment of the US Constitution.

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