Conversation Reparations: Tribute To Reparations Advocate Rep. John Conyers

John Conyers Jr was born May 16, 1929, and died on October 27, 2019 (aged 90). Conyers was a Korean War Veteran, civil rights activist, a Progressive who supported Single-Payer Healthcare (Medicare For All), stood against regime changes wars, religious bigotry and was a staunch supporter of whistleblowers and spoke against the prosecution of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Conyers was a staunch long-time advocate for Reparations for the descendants of victims of slavery and introduced Reparations bills into Congress back when few were discussing the issue.”My bill does four things: It acknowledges the fundamental injustice and inhumanity of slavery; It establishes a commission to study slavery, its subsequent racial and economic discrimination against freed slaves; It studies the impact of those forces on today’s living African Americans; and the commission would then make recommendations to Congress on appropriate remedies to redress the harm inflicted on living African Americans.” – Rep. John Conyers JrJohn Conyers Jr. was one of the longest-serving members of the US House of Representatives from January 3, 1965 – December 5, 2017.

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