Conversation Reparations: Localizing HR 40 – Chicago & Pennsylvania Leading The Way!

Guests: Kamm Howard, the National Male Co-chair of N’COBRA  which will be introducing a Chicago Reparations bill on Sept 18th, 2019 in Chicago Illinois.

We will also be joined in the second half of the program by Pennsylvania State Representative Christopher Rabb who introduced a Reparations bill in the state of Pennsylvania. Find out more by listening, downloading and sharing the podcast.

Conversation Reparations is an hour-long digital radio broadcast and podcast focusing on the issue of Reparations. It is hosted by Jumoke Ifetayo and Bonita Lacy of N’COBRA. The program is broadcast live on the 1st and 3rd Mondays on the Black Talk Radio Network supported by the non-profit media organization Black Talk Media Project.

N’COBRA, The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America is an organization based out of Washington, DC, that seeks full repair for the descendants of former victims of slavery in the United States based on the United Nations’s five forms of Reparations.

Visit N’COBRA online. On Twitter @NCOBRA40

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