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BTR News: 40 Acres & A Lamborghini Plus More News of the Day

BTR News – News of the day and more covered on today’s broadcast. The Game was asked if he supported reparations for African-Americans to which he responded that the US government should give every Black person 40 Acres of land and a Lambo. He was also asked if it would bankrupt the USA to which he replied, “I would not care”. Let us answer the bankruptcy question based on the Bush and Obama hundreds of billions of dollars in stimulus packages in 2008 and 2009. Let us make the case for an African American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

In other news,

Trump slaps more sanctions on Iran to which they replied that the WH suffers from “Mental Retardation”.

The SCOTUS rules the Hobbs Act which enhances prison sentences to make them longer for certain crimes to which the 5-4 court said was “unconstitutionally vague”.

Sen. Sanders pushes legislation to cancel 1.6 Trillion in Student Loan Debt.

Program notes.

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