Justice Radio Station:Mistik Mixx – What is Liberation? Freedom? Inalienable Rights?

Greetings Everyone, How are things?
I Am called Doretha Mary of 13th Colony Georgia. Here Now,Understanding the Socialization Process of Mistreatment.
Tell me, is All History a Current  Event?
*Here now, *Understanding the Socialization Process of Mistreatment.
* Receiving, Giving appropriate information about the Nature and Structure of this wonderful human mechanism that some call sinner (true, but not necessarily correct– more soon about this.)
*Being Aware of Being the I Everyone refer to as Self!
Black Talk Radio Network—Justice Radio Station: Mistik Mixx in context of information and physical evidence of A mistreatment socialization process. As “Americans”, we are the most exploited, subjugated, dominated, and controlled by beliefs of someone else.
This psychological, social control is provided in the form of “Socialization Process”.
Mistreatment Process of Socialization _how does it work?
It starts with an #Idea #Develops into an Ideology. #Established Socially
#Practiced Individually
Tell me something, would you say all history is a current event?
In context of the Idea and Ideology being…
In context of the Idea and Ideology being

The Idea: White Good, Bad Black
In context of The Ideology of white is good, black is bad, developed using Psychological Rationalization through Social Manifestation is Practiced
Individually by each and everyone– What should our conversations, actions be About?

Black Talk radio Network—Justice Radio Station: Mistik Mixx –Liberation or Death. Breaking the cycle of Self deception.
How do you know what is True? How do you know what is Real?
Your commentary Welcomed! democracyversusjustice@gmail.com
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