BTR News: Senator Kamala Harris Pledges To Press Pause On Killing Prisoners “Anywhere In The United States” If Elected POTUS

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BTR News w/ Scotty T. Reid – US Senator Kamala Harris made a bold statement after praising California Governor Gavin Newsom for placing a halt by executive order to prisoner executions in the state with the world’s largest death row population.  Harris would late state to NPR that if she were to become President, no person would be executed in the United States. Where does Senator Harris stack up to other Presidential candidates when it comes to the issue of the death penalty, what many activists have called state-sanctioned pre-meditated murder.

Where do front runners for the DNC nomination, US Senator Bernie Sanders and former VP Joe Biden, stack up to Harris and President Trump on the killing of prisoners who may or may not be guilty of the crimes the state accused them and convicted them on?

To help me analyze it all, I am joined by Mr. Rory Fleming whom you can find on Twitter @RoryFleming8A. Mr. Fleming is an experienced political consultant and criminal justice policy wonk who currently runs Foglight Strategies which is a strategic research and communications firm for progressive prosecutorial candidates and criminal justice organizations.


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