White Teens Taunt and Mock Native American Senior Conducting Ceremonial Song in Washington, DC

Videos of the jeering and chanting mob of high school boys taunting a Native American senior doing a ceremonial chant near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC has provoked widespread outrage. The students, mostly white and many wearing #MAGA hats, were identified as being from Covington Catholic High School, a private, all-male school in Park Hills, Kentucky, who was visiting Washington to participate in the March for Life protest.

The Native American has been identified as Nathan Phillips, a Vietnam War Veteran, who said he felt threatened by the teens as sudden swarmed around him. ‘I’ve got to find myself an exit out of this situation,” said Philips. “I started going that way, and that guy in the hat stood in my way and we were at an impasse. He just blocked my way and wouldn’t allow me to retreat.”

Online comments expressed outrage, sharing the email of the school’s principal Robert Bowe, browe@covcath.org. Ironically, the group was photographed earlier with a sign, “We March with Christ for Life.”

What would Christ think of mocking a Native American elder for his ethnicity? What about the sanctity of his life, of Indigenous People’s lives?


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