New Abolitionists Radio: Is The “First Step Act” “Good” or “Bad” Legislation?

The 13th Amendment of the US Consitution did not end slavery when it carved out the exception clause that led directly to Jim Crow laws across the country to target  African-American and other non-white populations. Repeal & Replace The 13th Amendment!

Tonight is the first 2019 broadcast of New Abolitionists Radio. Join us for our relaunch after going through some changes in the program as we introduce our new contributors and hosts and learn more about them.

Tonight we will briefly go through some recent news headlines but we will open up the conversation to critique the First Step Act which was recently signed into federal law. What does it do, what does it not do and how can it be improved upon it. Activists and legislators are of differing opinions on if the First Step Act brings relief to prisoners or if it is a step in the wrong direction at the wrong time. Be sure to call in and share your thoughts and opinions on the First Step Act and its provisions.

New Abolitionists Radio program is a collaborative effort between the non-profit organizations Prison Streetz Talk Ministries and the Black Talk Media Project.

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