The C.O.W.S. Black Love Is A Revolutionary Act Part 8

Monday, October 15th 7:00PM Eastern/ 4:00PM Pacific

The Context of White Supremacy hosts our 8th study session on Pamela Evans Harris’s second book, BLACK LOVE IS A REVOLUTIONARY ACT. Before her unfortunate passing in February of this year, #PamTheGreat managed the website and wrote numerous books and reports that directly attack the System of White Supremacy and offer suggestions on how to counter racism. Pam was one of The C.O.W.S.’s listeners most beloved guests and made innumerable visits to the broadcast for almost a decade. Deeply saddened by her transition, we’re studying her work to honor her life and to learn constructive information to permanently eradicate White Terrorism. Pam disclosed that the primary motivator for this book was to help minimize the enormous animosity between black females and black males. Last week’s session continued the disturbing trend of black misandry, where black males are repeatedly excoriated for being white-girl-chasing and worthless. A black male was repeatedly called a nigger for “dating” an “asian” female. Later in the text, every black male in the United States is branded as “insane.” Black females are not never disparaged in this manner in the text. Gus has been equally surprised that a number of listeners accepted this ferociously antiblack male content as true and see nothing incorrect about name-calling and blaming black male Victims of White Supremacy.



The C.O.W.S. Radio Program is specifically engineered for black & non-white listeners – Victims of White Supremacy. The purpose of this program is to provide Victims of White Supremacy with constructive information and suggestions on how to counter Racist Woman & Racist Man.

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Station Name: The Context of White Supremacy
Content Type: audio/mpeg
Stream Genre(s): Talk
Website: Archives

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