BTR News: “Just Believe Her” Is Counter To Justice

There have been extreme and hypocritical views expressed on both sides of the Kavanaugh debate concerning allegations of sexual assault or rape. People like Donald Trump now want to decry a rush to judgment concerning his nominee but given his past concerning the Central Park 5 Case, he should STFU. Then there are plenty who believed the accusations against Brain Banks made by a spiteful Wanetta Gibson resulting in his wrongful conviction. The goal should not be to simply believe every woman is telling the truth about such allegations but allegations should not just be dismissed either. The goal should always be justice through a fair process. With that said, a Senate confirmation hearing is not a criminal court and therefore not the same standard but I fear that too mention time is being spent arguing about something that happened or didn’t happen 30 years ago is taking away examination of his seemingly awful decisions and opinions as a judge.

Senator Kamala Harris is a hypocrite who is thought to be preparing for a Presidential run in 2020 and people should not be fooled by her #blackgirlmagic hashtags using race as a qualifier and they should not fall for her hypocritical outrage over Trump’s family separation policy concerning migrant children.

Jason Van Dyke premeditated the murder of Laquan Mcdonald before he even came on the scene of the confrontation.


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