BTR News: Is The Trump Administration Going To Sacrifice US Soldiers In Syria to Protect ISIS Terrorists?

The Russian government made a courtesy call to the US government to tell them they are going to launch an offensive against the reported last stronghold of Islamist extremist and apparently US troops are also in the area illegally occupying Syria. US President Donald Trump has hinted at withdrawing troops from Syria and the lost cause of the jihadist trying to overthrow Syria’s secular government but has yet to do anything to remove forces. Since he has been gaslighted as Putin puppet by Democrats, will Trump sacrifice the lives of US soldiers to prove he isn’t a Putin puppet as much as he is a puppet of warmongering neo-conservatives and the military-industrial complex?

Two days left in the organized strike by prisoners against prison slavery and I will keep pointing out the missing Black mainstream press when it comes to reporting on the #prisonstrike. The strike has received international coverage and interest from the foreign press but the Black US Press? The lack of coverage is unjustifiable and indicative of the Black press dissociated itself from grassroots movements and issues of utmost importance to the Black audience. A good example of their lack of interest in addition to the prison strike is the Colorada campaign to remove exceptions that allow for slavery and involuntary servitude in their constitution. The Black press failed to take notice of the event even though representatives from the NAACP, the ACLU and the AME Zion church in support of the efforts to eliminate slavery in Colorado.

This news and possibly more today on BTR News at 6:00 PM EST.

Black Talk Media Project founder Scotty Reid is the host of BTR News and New Abolitionists Radio which he co-hosts. He has been hosting and producing news talk radio and podcasting since 2007 and has interviewed hundreds of guests on various topics. He is also a freelance writer who focuses on social and political issues from around the world and has been published by various outlets. 

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