New Abolitionists Radio: Lee Wood, American Pioneer of New Abolitionist Movement To Abolish Slavery

Tonight is our broadcast of New Abolitionists Radio with special guest Lee Wood, founder of Committee to Abolish Prison Slavery (CAPS)and co-author of the books ‘Prison Slavery in the Thirteenth Amendment’. published in 1978 and also the co-author of ‘Prison Slavery’ published in 1982 with Barbara Esposito.

In “Prison Slavery”‘s final chapter, he calls for The New Abolitionists Movement. Today, his call has been answered and we’ll speak with him personally.

This is another must hear podcast in our 4-week series discussing the various narratives vying for control during the 2018 prison strike.

New Abolitionists Radio is an award-winning weekly radio broadcast and podcast series started in 2012 to bring awareness to legalized slavery and human trafficking in the United States which is inadequately referred to as “mass incarceration”.

The 13th Amendment of the US Consitution did end slavery when it carves out the exception clause that led directly to Jim Crow laws across the country, primarily in the South to target the  large African-American populations the vast majority who were formerly enslaved and put them into what became known as the convict leasing system which is still in practice in less barbaric ways than in the 1800s. Because of the 13th Amendment, all persons of every age, sex, gender, race, religion or national origin can legally become of slaves regardless of guilt or innocence.

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