BTR News: #PrisonStrike Day 7 & John McCain’s Sanitized News Coverage

We are on day seven of the national prison strike against slavery in the United States and overall, news coverage has been more than expected with the story being given coverage by mainstream outlets in the United States and abroad. However, the Black Talk Media Project remains disappointed in the Black press and Black journalists who are underrepresented in informing their audiences and followers on social media. We oft hear complaints that Black people need to be in charge of telling their own stories and while the issue of slavery, the 13th Amendment and prisons should not be promoted in color-coded uncodified language as it affects everyone, you would expect the Black press to be at the forefront of reporting since it impacts their target demographic more than other groups.

Perhaps the blackout in the black press with lift with MSNBC host and civil rights activist Al Sharpton covering the story in a very competent way on his program Sunday. We shall see. We will listen to his segment and share some other prison strike-related media.

Senator John McCain died after stopping medical treatment for his brain tumor. Most of the coverage has been sanitized with liberal uses of the word “hero”, “patriot”, and oddly a “warrior for peace” according to Congressperson John Lewis. We will briefly address the propaganda of political politeness in the wake of one of the system cogs dying. This and more news tonight on BTR News.

Black Talk Media Project founder Scotty Reid is the host of BTR News and New Abolitionists Radio which he co-hosts. He has been hosting and producing news talk radio and podcasting since 2007 and has interviewed hundreds of guests on various topics. He is also a freelance writer who focuses on social and political issues from around the world and has been published by various outlets. 

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