Real Life Radio: Encounters with Enforcement Officials and how do we make better decisions.

Real Life Radio: Encounters with Enforcement Officials and how do we make better decisions.

9.00 ET 8/21/2018

Join Ras and Jegna Khepera as we discuss the dynamics of encounters with law enforcement. We will be talking about assessing and discerning how to respond to avoid further escalation of conflict. Also we will have a great discussion with a favorite writer of mine Bro Osei of the BTR family about his most recent 2 articles entitled:THE UNDER-EXPLORED LINK BETWEEN SATANISM AND WHITE IDENTITY EXTREMISM & BLACK PEOPLE THINKING IN EPISODES (as it pertains the system of RWS) prepare for a mind opening conversation.

Call in at 704-802-5056 to join the conversation press ** to be heard…#RealLife








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