BTR News: Black People Supporting Trump’s Racist Immigration Policy

BTR News – Its unfortunate that we have a small minority of Black people, some who should know better but apparently don’t, engaging in the demonization of entire groups of people from South American nations, all done in the name of supporting Donald Trump’s racist immigration policy that is really about modern slavery and increasing the wealth of the private prison companies who supported his campaign.

Black People like Youtuber Thea West of Afrisynergy News who can accurately be described as a Black Trump supporter who uses the same racist rhetoric and tactics as white supremacists but tailoring it for a Black audience to get them to support white supremacist policies of the US government, How can these Black people point out how certain regions of Africa are being destabilized leading to mass migrations into Europe by Africans in search of safety and employment and be sympathetic to those Africans from the countries that Donald Trump referred to as shithole countries but not sympathize with other refugees nor consider the same destabilizing policies forcing migration from places like Honduras, Guatemala or Mexico?

Black Talk Media Project founder Scotty Reid is the host of BTR News and New Abolitionists Radio which he co-hosts. He has been hosting and producing news talk radio and podcasting since 2007 and has interviewed hundreds of guests on various topics. He is also a freelance writer who focuses on social and political issues from around the world and has been published by various outlets. Currently, the live program is on hiatus but check the feed for pre-recorded podcasts.

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2 Replies to “BTR News: Black People Supporting Trump’s Racist Immigration Policy”

  1. Can’t and I don’t care about them.they do not give a dann about us and actually want be down with team white supremacy!

    1. That is your right to not care about anyone, plenty of people want to be down with White Supremacy including Black people except you don’t know the difference between a colonized aboriginal descendant and a white European Spanish descendant, they don’t have to want to be down with white supremacy, they are white, they just have Hispanic names like the guy running for Congress against Maxine Waters. Not only has Trump brought out the racist people from under the covers, the bigotted Blacks are also TEAM Trump. – Scotty

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