Fact Check: Juneteenth Is Based On A Lie And Therefore A Stupendous Fraud

Juneteenth is a cultural observance in the United States that is officially recognized in 48 states. Critics argue that while meaning no disrespect to the hundreds of thousand or so who actively take part in local “celebrations” sadly it is based on a widely propagated myth that the United States and the individual coalition of states making up “USA” have at any time in their collective history completely abolished slavery or involuntary servitude.

Critics say large numbers of people supported by government and corporations are helping to continue to play a cruel joke over and over against the memories of the first victims of slavery to which it was told.

A reading of the historical record irrefutably reveals that while private citizens could no longer engage openly in slavery, corporations could contract with the federal and state government for the labor of the millions of recently emancipated victims of slavery who fell then fell victim to the 13th Amendment of the US Constitution which led to Jim Crow laws also known as “Black Codes” and enforced with the intent to practice slavery under the guise of being tough on crime.

Sources: “I Denounce the So-Called Emancipation as a Stupendous Fraud” by Frederick Douglass (1888) http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/douglassfraud.html

Juneteenth – Holiday https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juneteenth

13th Amendment – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution

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5 Replies to “Fact Check: Juneteenth Is Based On A Lie And Therefore A Stupendous Fraud”

  1. All this is about is making the dems look good in their preponderance for “appearances” rather than substance.
    It was Biden who signed this into law and I wonder if he knew what he was signing.. If we are ever to be “emancipated”, stop with the groveling to racist individuals who will forever hold a chip on their shoulders for what people did 150 years ago.

  2. They love to make federal holidays. It just gives them all another day off work. That is all they do it for anyway. Most places I know do not even recognize federal holidays. They will continue to embarrass the people of color by keep calling them out like this. In 1862 Lincoln issued the preliminary emancipation proclamation and in 1863 Lincoln declared all slaves to be freed, making it official. The 13th amendment officially ended all slavery and that was in 1865. They really need to move on with their lives. It really looks like they could since it has been , well you know over 150 years ago. There is absolutely nobody affected at all today by slavery no matter what color they are. A few want to tear down the Lincoln statues and then celebrate him by recognizing him in June. That is who they are celebrating, it is not the blacks, but they want to act like it is to get those votes.

    Also, people don’t realize that slavery still exists for everyone today. Don’t believe me? Go to prison. You will truly be a slave. Guess who the slave master is…. The government.

    1. First, you say slavery ended, then you say it doesn’t affect anyone today and then you say it exists in prison. Lots of contradictions in your statement.

  3. White folks doing more groveling…I never get enough…They should at least cancel Martin Luther King Day, so that it balances out.

  4. If the Emancipation Proclamation is a fraud that would also mean the Civil Rights Movement fall into the same category. Furthermore it has come to my attention that our Gold Fringe military flag indicates that we are not a Nation and there is no Constitution which means that we are all debt slaves. All one has to do is to refer to the dollar bill; this note is legal tender for all public and private debt.

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