Ben Carson Raises The Rent On Jesus By Raising The Rent On The Extremely Poor
Ben Carson the noted neurosurgeon who is more noted for his extreme right-wing conservative views than he is for groundbreaking accomplishments in an operating room, is the news for something truly despicable. Carson’s whose path to politics was via the right wing evangelical talk circuits who once was so strong in his Christian faith that he commissioned a portrait of himself seated in a chair with a melanated brown skinned Jesus standing behind him with his hand on Carson’s shoulder.
Since Carson became Donald Trump’s HUD Secretary, he has been anything but an agent of Christ and instead is the point man for the Trump administration’s war on the poor through that federal agency. It seems Carson like many professed Christians before him that wrap themselves in the US flag and engage in implementing anti-Christ legislation to advance the agenda of those who despise the poor and middle-class masses and implement policies that cause poverty while making a very few people grossly wealthy. Read more here:
“Ben Carson is a trooper. The neurosurgeon is carrying on at Housing and Urban Development, doing his level best despite publicly admitting he’s unfit to run a federal agency. But he’s willing to set his own incompetence aside and blunder forward.
And his latest blunder embodies the one-sided heartlessness of the administration that Carson has snuggled into. The Washington Post on Wednesday reported on a Carson proposal that would essentially force families out of federally provided affordable housing. Per the Post:
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson proposed far-reaching changes to federal housing subsidies Wednesday, tripling rent for the poorest households and making it easier for housing authorities to impose work requirements.”*
Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Mark Thompson
Matthew 25:45
Then the King will answer, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me.’