Abolitionist Makes Call To Action @Starbucks‏ To Stop Using Prison Slave Labor

I just called Starbucks to demand they divest from prison slave labor. I got a customer service rep and I relayed to her my demands that they divest from prison slave labor and I cited the 13th Amendment. I am going to follow up with a letter to Starbucks c/o Kevin Johnson.

The United States and private companies never stop practicing slavery but reformed the practice to make it legal through the “criminal justice system”.

You can send a message to CEO Kevin Johnson using a telephone and the physical mailing address. Demand Starbucks stop practicing prison slavery.


Telephone Number to Call Kevin Johnson
Fax Number for Kevin Johnson
Physical Address to Send Mail Directly to Kevin Johnson
Starbucks Coffee Company
2401 Utah Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98134-1436

Author: Black Talk Media Project founder Scotty Reid is the host of BTR News and New Abolitionists Radio which he co-hosts. He has been hosting and producing news talk radio and podcasting since 2007 and has interviewed hundreds of guests on various topics. He is also a freelance writer who focuses on social and political issues from around the world and has been published by various outlets. Currently, the live program is on hiatus but check the feed for pre-recorded podcasts.

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